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Patricia Kay | all galleries >> Galleries >> Stockholm....An afternoon at Skansen... > young Lynx...
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10-NOV-2011 Patricia Kay

young Lynx...


Hope you all have a great weekend...
Thank you all for your visits and kind words...

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Tom LeRoy03-Dec-2011 17:38
A lovely young family portrait! Great capture so nicely framed!V!
Walter Otto Koenig03-Dec-2011 16:59
A wonderful portrait of this trio Patricia. I like the way they are posing for you. "V"
Jeff Real03-Dec-2011 16:46
This is a stunning work. Really impressive ~V~
Bryan Murahashi03-Dec-2011 15:55
Sweet family shot. Have a great weekend, Patricia. V
Zoltán Balogh03-Dec-2011 15:39
How nice they are, a great photo! V
LynnH03-Dec-2011 13:53
Just beautiful!!! V
Hank Vander Velde03-Dec-2011 13:10
A BEAUTIFUL portrait Patricia.
Vickie BROWN03-Dec-2011 12:55
Super shot of such beautiful portrait Patricia! V
Guest 03-Dec-2011 11:30
Lovely capture of these three beauties Patricia. V
January Grey03-Dec-2011 11:27
talk about a great family portrait! Beautiful animals..wonderful capture, Patricia. V~
Stephanie03-Dec-2011 10:30
What a precious shot of this young trio! Love it! BV
Sam_C03-Dec-2011 09:51
Fantastic shot! BV
shatterbug03-Dec-2011 08:01
Terrific capture!
rousselziak03-Dec-2011 06:47
Very nice shot ! -V-
Guest 03-Dec-2011 05:50
Beautifully posed for you, pretty and pretty amazing
globalgadabout03-Dec-2011 04:24
there's an underlying current of menace to this apparently relaxed stealth of lynxes...a captivating encounter...V
joseantonio03-Dec-2011 04:14
Very nice shot of this lovely trio
Guest 03-Dec-2011 03:23
Beautiful frame! They look happy to me! ~V
dane03-Dec-2011 03:14
good looking brood. well shot.
Ann Pettigrew03-Dec-2011 02:42
This is so sweet, Patricia! How did you ever get a shot like this?! Excellent!
PauloCGama03-Dec-2011 02:36
Wish you the same, Patricia - thanks for sharing your work :-)
Sweet catch!!
Guest 03-Dec-2011 01:32
Amazing how you got them to pose for you like this! Beautiful animals.
Graeme03-Dec-2011 00:26
What a sweet and wonderful composition, Patricia. I love it.BV
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad02-Dec-2011 23:57
A handsome trio! Voted
Mairéad02-Dec-2011 23:35
A very cute family lined up to have their portrait taken. V
janescottcumming02-Dec-2011 23:32
Beautiful animals! So nice that you got three of them together. V
Jean Chiasson02-Dec-2011 22:53
Wow I adore this shot bravo Patricia big vote
marie-jose wolff02-Dec-2011 22:51
what a nice trio! too cute, Patricia! V
bill friedlander02-Dec-2011 22:38
They are posing for you, Patricia. Lovely shot of these youngsters. V
Jim Coffman02-Dec-2011 21:41
Wow, I love it!!!! BV
Ken Chambers ARPS02-Dec-2011 21:35
That really is cute, great picture Patricia
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