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Jola Dziubinska | all galleries >> Galleries >> WEEKLY CHALLENGE > Marriage
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26-NOV-2011 Jola Dziubinska


Something that has an elemental meaning to me. My marriage and family.
The engagement ring and the wedding band :)

Weekly Informal Challenge - WEEK 85 - "Elemental"

other sizes: small medium large original auto
BleuEvanescence07-May-2012 03:21
Simple, tasteful and...beautifully original
Love it for the jewelry and its meaning.
Guest 26-Dec-2011 12:03
Great shot!
clickA SF17-Dec-2011 16:53
Precious... Rings and the caption! V
ted :)
GeneWard14-Dec-2011 23:59
beautifully done~
MarcViskens02-Dec-2011 15:11
very nice ring
lucky you :)
Carl and Racine Erland02-Dec-2011 07:30
Commitment and eternal love....a beautiful representation of them. - Racine
Cindi Smith30-Nov-2011 02:47
What a beautiful ring set and I know that they mean a lot to you. Looks like an amethyst. I love those stones. Beautiful and such a beautiful meaning.
Guest 29-Nov-2011 18:48
Lovely rings and capture Jola!! V
Sheila29-Nov-2011 06:02
Lovely and unique jewellry.
Wei O'Connell29-Nov-2011 05:55
This is so beautiful. Lovely soft focus effect. v
Guest 29-Nov-2011 05:03
That is so beautiful -- creativity is obviously part of your union.
Dawn McKenzie-Wykes29-Nov-2011 04:45
Very lovely....
carol j. phipps29-Nov-2011 03:11
Beautiful ring and sentiment!
Guest 29-Nov-2011 00:50
Beautiful rings. Well captured. Excellent .
Brenda29-Nov-2011 00:17
Beautiful and wonderful for this challenge.
Inga Morozoff28-Nov-2011 23:21
What a lovely and unique setting that is. Wanna trade?
Mary Terry28-Nov-2011 21:57
Very true! Beautiful rings.
John King28-Nov-2011 21:24
How beautiful and excellent presentation of thees precious rings.
J. Scott Coile28-Nov-2011 21:02
To the core!
sue anne28-Nov-2011 18:50
Beautiful and the vows are very elemental and sacred! V
Ann...28-Nov-2011 16:39
Beautiful rings.
Janice Dunn28-Nov-2011 16:35
That's a good definition for elemental.. NICE RINGS TOO
borisalex28-Nov-2011 15:27
wonderful and strong bands! V.
Ken Duckert28-Nov-2011 15:05
Stephanie is right. It is a very beautifully designed ring. Simple and classic lines and how wonderful it still carries the strength of your marriage. That's very special Jola. Thanks for sharing.
Stephanie28-Nov-2011 13:30
Beautifully designed ring Jola! What kind of stone is that? :)
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