Three images of the Buck that was wounded last Fall. The first two images are of the wounded buck during the current rutting season. The third image is of the same buck taken about five months earlier on June 14, 2011. The buck has put on a lot of beef since then and it now seems to be the dominant buck in the herd. See also for images of the same buck taken on June 5, 2011. In these images, puss can be seen to be still oozing from the wound sustained in the Fall of 2010. Here also find a link to images of the just wounded buck taken November 23, 2010.
Top Image: The wounded buck crashing through the underbrush in pursuit of one of the does. Note the bare skin exposed at the location of the wound above the left shoulder. It must still be itchy and the buck must still be licking it often.
Right-side view of the wounded buck. Note The size of its neck and how much it has grown since June of this year.
The buck in June of this year. Note how skinny it looks when compared to it now, as per the above two images. Note also the whitish fur at its left shoulder where it was injured last Fall.