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Allen Hart | all galleries >> Galleries >> Show and Tell > Conowingo Morning
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19-NOV-2011 Allen Hart

Conowingo Morning

Conowingo Dam, Maryland

2nd Place in Show and Tell Forum 407 - Fog and Mist

2nd Place in Show and Tell Forum 366 - Where the clouds meet the land...

Honorable Mention in Show and Tell Forum 362 - Silouettes

Canon EOS 1D ,Canon EF 600mm f/4L IS USM
1/1250s f/8.0 at 840.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
cits_4_pets29-Jul-2016 19:25
Beautiful image...such a lonely mood as well as mysterious. Excellent!!v
GP Merfeld18-Jul-2015 07:57
Beautiful, ethereal image. Great work.
Ken Zaret30-Jun-2015 03:19
Nicely done.
Annelance25-Mar-2013 18:20
What a winning shot! Good luck.
John Barreiro23-Mar-2013 14:25
I saw this wonderful image in the show and Tell competition and had to have a better look. V
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