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Don14-Dec-2020 01:15
Wonderful subtle light and shadow.
MarcViskens25-Jun-2013 19:27
beautiful composition Jim
very nice colours
Gary Retterbush08-Nov-2011 12:11
Jim, I always love the way you make use of the light; wonderful!
Yiannis Pavlis07-Nov-2011 15:17
Lovely image.Very simple.V
Jean D04-Nov-2011 00:31
Beautiful marsh with super golden light, Jim. ~V
Colin Storey03-Nov-2011 17:19
Fantastic colours an light in this superb image. v
Tom Briggs03-Nov-2011 17:10
You're the master when turning a mundane scene into a vivid landscape ... well done, Jim ... v
lucanton03-Nov-2011 17:06
Magnifique prise...V
Raymond03-Nov-2011 16:24
Love how you see your world Jim
Guest 03-Nov-2011 15:48
wonderful image, light Jim.
globalgadabout03-Nov-2011 15:28
a touch of Monet in this rich scene..highlights in just the right areas, and subtle reflections enriching the view...V
Peter Stahl03-Nov-2011 14:58
Light and color tones are perfect! :-)
norbi03-Nov-2011 14:48
A fine composition with beautiful light and colours. v. norbi
janescottcumming03-Nov-2011 14:38
Lovely with the greens and browns and then that beautiful blue. V
Char03-Nov-2011 14:25
A photographic work of art, Jim! \/
Walter Otto Koenig03-Nov-2011 14:18
Beautiful lighting and color contrasts. "V"
Stephanie03-Nov-2011 13:47
WOW Jim ~ The lighting is totally amazing! What a beautiful image! BV+++
an nguyen03-Nov-2011 13:45
Poetic and fine nature .
Mike H.03-Nov-2011 13:39
A telling composition of this marshy landscape, Jim! Appealing use of light and therefore, color. Take a bow, Maestro!
Graeme03-Nov-2011 13:29
Fabulous lighting and shadows. The reflection are superb as well my friend.BV!!
Vickie BROWN03-Nov-2011 13:06
Excellent shot, Very beautiful lights with reflections, Jim. V
fotabug03-Nov-2011 13:02
Great capture of that beautiful light. It sue make the grass, or whatever it is, stand out nicely
teachpeace03-Nov-2011 12:58
Such beautiful light...this is art. V
Guest 03-Nov-2011 12:43
Fabulous light on these watery yellow-green reeds sprouting up like crowds rushing on a city block at midday lunchtime
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