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Janet Donnelly | all galleries >> Galleries >> November Challenge -- My World, Day-by-Day > Day #2
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Day #2

... makes me smile

The Improv Comedy Club in West Palm Beach, Florida
Guarenteed to make anyone smile, laugh, and even more......

Canon PowerShot G9
1/60s f/3.5 at 22.0mm iso400 full exif

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Guest 04-Nov-2011 19:40
Now I know how to improv my smile! :))))))) V
J. Scott Coile04-Nov-2011 17:10
Laughing is such good therapy.
Guest 04-Nov-2011 14:04
Ah improv always makes for a fun night out! I like how you have acptured this marquee at night!
LynnH04-Nov-2011 11:41
Laughing until your sides ache! Nice night shot too!
Mieke WA Minkjan04-Nov-2011 08:41
beautiful night-shot...
hopefully the artist do have some comprehensible jokes...
Brenda03-Nov-2011 23:42
Love the colors. Great photo!
Mairéad03-Nov-2011 20:42
Excellent colours in this night shot - and a guaranteed smile to boot.
Guest 03-Nov-2011 18:25
Wonderful night shot Janet!!! Great composition and perfect for the challenge!
Guest 03-Nov-2011 15:14
Excellently composed night shot perfect for this topic! Great light and colors!
borisalex03-Nov-2011 14:50
Great nightshot and I´m sure it is a wonderful Comedy!
Maaike Huizer03-Nov-2011 09:41
Great nightshot. And I am sure you have a great evening there.
laine03-Nov-2011 08:33
They can be fun nights...a very nice shot
Stephanie03-Nov-2011 06:38
Great night shot Janet! I haven't been to a comedy club in years ~ might be fun to visit one again for lots of smiles! :)
Sheila03-Nov-2011 05:02
Perfect for the challenge, Janet!
carol j. phipps03-Nov-2011 04:58
Good night shot.
Janice Dunn03-Nov-2011 04:16
We don't have many of these places - maybe NZ is a serious place!!! Or maybe I don't know of places like this...
Good find
Cindi Smith03-Nov-2011 02:18
I love these places...guaranteed for a laugh or 20! :)