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an N | all galleries >> Chances ( Turkey landscape , Art , Street Photography , Dancing ) >> Abstract of the landscape >
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a nguyen

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Range View 25-Apr-2012 04:33
You have a wonderful eye to capture the most unusual subjects. Beautifully done An! V
Fabienne27-Mar-2012 20:43
Magnifique composition, c'est très graphique.
Alexander Kazakov10-Nov-2011 18:22
Good! V
Marcia Colelli08-Nov-2011 02:33
Nice patterns and composition V
teachpeace03-Nov-2011 03:20
Striking image. V
janescottcumming02-Nov-2011 13:53
My favorite so far. V
Guest 02-Nov-2011 09:43
I love the aspect you have chosen here Anne! It allows me to enjoybtheimage even more. well done!
Jim's Atavistic Visions01-Nov-2011 18:33
Great eye for beauty!... Josefina
norbi01-Nov-2011 10:07
You saw it and made an excellent composition. v. norbi
Paul Chan30-Oct-2011 12:30
Impressive pattern and composition....V.
Bernard Bosmans30-Oct-2011 02:42
A staircase to a mighty intense blue sky, beautiful composed shot Anne. V.
Marcia Rules29-Oct-2011 16:09
the harmony of shapes and light are working perfectly. V
Graeme29-Oct-2011 10:51
Superb POV and capture of this buildings details, An.BV
shatterbug29-Oct-2011 07:19
Wonderful study of light, shapes, and color!
Sam_C29-Oct-2011 05:54
Superb. V++
Gill Kopy28-Oct-2011 23:50
Love the composition and light V
Kim28-Oct-2011 23:16
Great composition Ann! V
bill friedlander28-Oct-2011 22:19
Beautiful graphics and light. Excellent composition. V
Walter Otto Koenig28-Oct-2011 20:05
Great composition. You lined this up perfectly. "V"
zyziza28-Oct-2011 17:15
Simple and impressive! BV!
veraferia28-Oct-2011 16:14
Splendid composition!
Blandine Mangin28-Oct-2011 15:48
wonderful compo ! v
Guest 28-Oct-2011 15:39
I like the steps that lead up to where?
François Fauchard28-Oct-2011 12:58
Very nice !
PauloCGama28-Oct-2011 12:19
Wonderful;ly composed. Excellent light and beautiful patterns!
Martin Lamoon28-Oct-2011 08:24
Excellent shot, you have made the angles and light work well Anne, superb work. V
cambraniz28-Oct-2011 08:05
Unusual and beautiful shot. V
slhoornstra28-Oct-2011 07:58
Stunning capture! V
Giancarlo Guzzardi28-Oct-2011 07:54
Splendid frame and nice image around the forms and colors
Guest 28-Oct-2011 07:37
Excellent composition!
Yiannis Pavlis28-Oct-2011 03:35
Terrific idea..A wonderful photograph.
Guest 28-Oct-2011 03:22
Magnificent POV, well seen and composed! ~V