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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Classics > Cosmic
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Oct 2, 2011 Sandi Whitteker


San Diego, CA

I recently saw a fellow photographer take a classic woodie and composite it onto the beach with surfers
riding waves. It looked great, so here I go. My first real try at composites using my photo of these
DeLoreans, all lined up nicely, thanks to the guy about 5 cars down, who very kindly moved his back for me.
I always thought of the DeLorean as a futuristic car, so Mars seemed an appropriate background.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 09-Oct-2011 13:01
Love the pov repetition composition and the colors. This is awesome!
Apostolos Tikopoulos09-Oct-2011 09:28
Absolutely stunning work. Well done. V.
borisalex06-Oct-2011 14:49
Indeed a futuristic feel in this fabulous study! V.
Kerry Tingley06-Oct-2011 14:27
Back to the future! A very interesting composite.
LynnH06-Oct-2011 02:15
This is extremely cool! V
carol j. phipps05-Oct-2011 23:47
Outstanding work!
Jola Dziubinska05-Oct-2011 23:30
Excellent graphics.
Janice Dunn05-Oct-2011 18:44
Excellent work - we're going to have to start building wider roads in the future
Guest 05-Oct-2011 17:55
So cool! Fantastic work Sandi! Well done!! V
Guest 05-Oct-2011 03:47
Wow! very impressive. V
Cindi Smith05-Oct-2011 02:45
Well done!!!!!!!
Patricia Kay04-Oct-2011 21:09
Well done Sandi you did a great job....BV
Peter Stahl04-Oct-2011 20:24
Very Cool! :-)
Dan Greenberg04-Oct-2011 20:17
Outstanding, Sandi! I thing your first attempt at composites was a massive success. This is very cool. ~BV~
Ken Chambers ARPS04-Oct-2011 11:52
Plenty of controls for the co-pilots on a long journey.
Gerard Koehl04-Oct-2011 04:39
Excellent... V
Sam Rua04-Oct-2011 04:18
Very cool, Sandi. Well done. Beam me up! V.
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