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Transitions 27
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Transitions 27

Nashville, TN

Canon EOS 30D IR (MaxMax 715nm),Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L
1/13s f/22.0 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
larose forest photos28-Sep-2011 22:34
Impressive work!!! V
Laryl28-Sep-2011 20:33
whoa that tower is so tall! love the image in ir
JW28-Sep-2011 18:13
The metal is so sharp in IR
ac28-Sep-2011 17:37
Well seen, well done.
Frank Brault28-Sep-2011 17:25
A fantastic point of view and conversion. BV
borisalex28-Sep-2011 15:18
Superb for the perspective!
Phillip Normanton28-Sep-2011 13:39
Yikes, makes me dizzy even thinking about someone else climbing it! :)
Kerry Tingley28-Sep-2011 13:37
I love the composition here Scott! Well seen.
LynnH28-Sep-2011 11:20
How interesting! Good PoV!!!
John King28-Sep-2011 09:47
Very dramatic composition and tones V
Sam_C28-Sep-2011 09:28
Excellent, that thing is sky high! V++
Colin Storey28-Sep-2011 08:25
Great angle to have the mast so perfectly in the frame.
s_barbour28-Sep-2011 02:07
Very dramatic Scott!
Cindi Smith28-Sep-2011 01:46
Looks like it flying straight up! Wow!
an nguyen28-Sep-2011 01:18
infrared ?
Look great .
Janice Dunn28-Sep-2011 01:04
Reaching to the heavens - I love your composition and the IR too, of course.
Robert Tallent27-Sep-2011 23:58
Stephanie27-Sep-2011 23:56
Gorgeous IR! Reminds me of a rocket blasting off!
Jola Dziubinska27-Sep-2011 23:28
Very fine angle and processing, fantastic effect. V.
Guest 27-Sep-2011 23:06
wonderfull ladder to the sky! Vµ
Guest 27-Sep-2011 22:50
Wonderful image, excellent perspective Scott !!!!
duo27-Sep-2011 22:42
Pure magic
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography27-Sep-2011 22:31
Wow! Superb, Vote!
Walter Otto Koenig27-Sep-2011 22:25
Great subject and perspective. The IR really adds the crowning touch.
lisamidi27-Sep-2011 22:22
Mysterious, like it a lot! v
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