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marko gregoric | all galleries >> Potovanja - Travels >> Croatia >> Korcula > Prižba
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jlm30-Sep-2013 17:38
Excellent !!
Hernan E. Enriquez02-Sep-2013 12:54
Beautiful image! V
Yiannis Pavlis04-Jan-2013 04:22
Absolutely beautiful! Really wonderful work...
Bryan Murahashi21-Jul-2012 04:21
Beautiful view and clear waters. V
Karen Stuebing20-Jul-2012 21:52
Great point of view with the dock leading into the blue water. Love the balance on either side. V.
Irena Jurecic03-May-2012 08:07
Wonderful composition and beautiful scene. V
Range View 03-Sep-2011 21:45
Great composition with gorgeous colours. A beautiful capture!
H. P. Henriksen Starman17-Aug-2011 17:14
Nice plae and capture.
Jean D15-Aug-2011 00:49
A gorgeous composition, Marko. ~V
January Grey12-Aug-2011 00:45
An inviting scene! Beautiful crystal clear water! Lovely composition! V~
Andre Fontaine09-Aug-2011 14:48
magnifique perspective et couleurs.
Michelle09-Aug-2011 11:15
Great place for vacation. V
Michal Leszczynski09-Aug-2011 09:17
Beautiful image. V.
Randy Adams09-Aug-2011 09:05
Beautiful Marko! love this perspective and fantastic colors! V
shatterbug09-Aug-2011 06:46
Beautiful that blue water!
Ivan Kruys09-Aug-2011 05:40
Fine capture with nice symmetry ans colours. V
Milan Vogrin09-Aug-2011 05:15
Nice compo!
Guest 09-Aug-2011 01:49
Excellent color and details!
Simon Chandler09-Aug-2011 01:44
Excellent composition, very beautiful. v
Colin Storey08-Aug-2011 21:21
Very well composed image with that symmetry. v
Lamar Nix08-Aug-2011 20:20
Picturesque lake setting at the base of rolling hills, and a fine composition! V
Jim Coffman08-Aug-2011 19:27
Very well composed and captured! V
Lee G08-Aug-2011 17:59
So peaceful, a beautiful scene and nicely captured!
Gerard Koehl08-Aug-2011 17:36
La composition est très belle avec cette perspective. V
PauloCGama08-Aug-2011 16:20
Nice perspective and symmetry! Great light and details - peaceful mood is fabulous.
jychamberland08-Aug-2011 15:42
beautiful capture nicely composed Marko!
Tom LeRoy08-Aug-2011 08:19
Wonderful relaxing scene! Vote
Bob White08-Aug-2011 06:46
Beautifully composed and a beautiful scene
Jean Chiasson07-Aug-2011 19:47
Beautiful image composition marko vote
Zoltán Balogh07-Aug-2011 19:14
Great symmetry, very nice Marko! V
chris morton07-Aug-2011 16:13
neat symmetry
Tom Munson07-Aug-2011 14:29
Nicely composed, Marko!
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