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Brad Claypole | all galleries >> Galleries >> Latest > Pollen Collector
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Pollen Collector

Canon EOS 1D Mark II N
1/250s f/13.0 at 90.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Nick Vivian14-May-2012 21:38
nicely done !
Terry Bowker22-Mar-2012 16:20
Very nice Brad
Rick Bricker12-Oct-2011 04:01
Now this is a MACRO shot!! Terrific.V
Marc Vermeulen25-Jul-2011 20:57
Nice macro, like the compo!
Harry David Horning21-Jul-2011 18:42
Wow thats NICE!!! V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)21-Jul-2011 13:40
Great work! V
Roger B19-Jul-2011 23:11
Got kinda close, didn't you? Nicely done.
malcolm haslam19-Jul-2011 19:53
Perfect, Brad.
Blair Alderton Photography19-Jul-2011 15:07
WOW is right, amazing shot!
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad19-Jul-2011 13:52
Beautiful macro! V
Hank Vander Velde19-Jul-2011 12:14
Terrific macro image Brad.
B. Shortall - BCS Photography19-Jul-2011 01:43
WOW! You can see all 6 trillion eyes looking at you!
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