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Antonis Sarantos | all galleries >> Galleries >> Memories are written on films >
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July 5th 2011

Hasselblad 500CM
Carl Zeiss Planar 2.8/80 CE
Ilford FP4 in Rodinal

other sizes: small medium large original auto
zyziza23-May-2012 10:44
I love it! V
Luca Zanoni06-May-2012 21:59
davvero splendida. v
Bogdan Szadowski22-Apr-2012 21:01
Simply excellent. V
joanteno04-Apr-2012 22:14
Excellent portrait
Eckhart Derschmidt22-Mar-2012 20:50
Brilliant. Love the expression!
Kiriakos Korakis31-Aug-2011 07:34
ðïëý äõíáôü ðïñôñáßôï êáé âëÝììá ! V !
Guest 25-Jul-2011 13:12
excellent image but he did not like you at that moment,lol.
Wenche Aune06-Jul-2011 22:31
Wonderful portrait. V
ltolksdorf06-Jul-2011 10:56
Great one, v
Eric Herbelin06-Jul-2011 09:15
Beautiful! v
Chris Sofopoulos06-Jul-2011 07:09
Unique expression and photo!
My compliments!!
an nguyen05-Jul-2011 22:24
A treasure to keep .
What a wonderful portrait style image .
I am speechless .
Graeme05-Jul-2011 22:18
Not a happy boy! Priceless all the same, Antonis.Vote
Guest 05-Jul-2011 20:16
Fantastic portrait,Antonis.
There's nothing like film
regi olbrechts05-Jul-2011 20:06
Great model, great mood, great photographer, Hasselblad, Zeiss, Ilford...
all hard to beat!!
Aud Elise Sjøsæther05-Jul-2011 19:40
Fantastic portrait! V
Marjan Schavemaker05-Jul-2011 19:40
Very nice picture, Antonios! V
J. Scott Coile05-Jul-2011 19:15
Gerhard Ritsema05-Jul-2011 18:10
Fantastic! Great eye-contact!!
PauloCGama05-Jul-2011 17:06
Marvelous! Priceless expression.
lisamidi05-Jul-2011 16:57
Great expression on his face, he does not like to dive? v
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