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Guenter Eh | all galleries >> STREET PHOTOGRAPHY >> FLEETING MOMENTS III > Always an attack to my heart...
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20-JUN-2011 Guenter Eh

Always an attack to my heart...


...although I know about the story behind and the romanian beggar gangs...

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Wendy O01-Jul-2011 21:57
Exceptional capture. V
globalgadabout24-Jun-2011 15:05
heart-rending scene...anyone reduced to this is having tough times...V
an nguyen24-Jun-2011 03:12
It does tell a sad story .
That's touch my heart .
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad24-Jun-2011 01:07
This image does tug at the heart strings. Voted
Guest 23-Jun-2011 23:33
Such a powerful image.
Bravo Guenter!
Apostolos Tikopoulos23-Jun-2011 22:10
Exceptional composition with great tones, V.
Aud Elise Sjøsæther23-Jun-2011 20:27`s a sad story. Wonderful capture. V
Roy Birger Nilsen23-Jun-2011 19:56
In Paris too,I see!They know how to appeal to the heart,that`s for sure.Great shot again!:-)
shatterbug23-Jun-2011 19:37
Yes, tugs at the heart...the dog is probably her only comfort..
alexeig23-Jun-2011 19:22
Eternal and sad theme ... Great capture