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Roel van Gestel | all galleries >> Military aviation between 1985-1995 >> Royal Air Force / Royal Navy > Pembroke C.1 XF799
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8-JUL-1986 Roel van Gestel

Pembroke C.1 XF799


Long gone now, but the antique looks of the venerable Percival Pembroke C.1 were regularly noted in the 1980's. 121 were built between 1953 and 1958. Here, XF799 is seen landing at it home base Wildenrath, belonging to 60 squadron.

Praktica B100,Agfacolor Optima 100

other sizes: small medium large original auto
aaron dengate 09-Mar-2014 19:52
saw this pembroke on approach to manston in 1989 with xl954
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