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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> RECENT PHOTOS IV >
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©2011 By Tomasz Dziubinski

Warsaw, Poland

You can find my other Monochrome galleries here: BLACK and WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY

You can find my new portfolio website here: TOMASZ DZIUBINSKI PHOTOGRAPHY & FRACTAL ART

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Graeme11-Jun-2011 21:19
Terrific details and close up Tomasz,Vote
joanteno11-Jun-2011 11:14
Ann...11-Jun-2011 09:29
Excellent detail and processing.
Johnny JAG11-Jun-2011 09:25
Fantastic conversion and details.
CM Kwan11-Jun-2011 08:56
Outstanding close-up, Tomasz! V
René Gysi11-Jun-2011 08:27
Excellent b/w composition with great dof. V
Gerard Koehl11-Jun-2011 06:20
C'est magnifique en noir et blanc... V
shatterbug11-Jun-2011 05:31
The tones and dof are exquisite!
Paco López11-Jun-2011 05:15
Superb!! BV!