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Pawel | all galleries >> Galleries >> I thought I will start the new gallery >
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Carol How24-Jun-2011 00:35
Overwhelmingly beautiful! V
marko gregoric20-Jun-2011 12:56
Wow. Stunning colors. V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)09-Jun-2011 18:39
Love this one,Voted!
Dan Greenberg07-Jun-2011 04:13
Very beautiful and artistic, Pawel. The orange mono treatment really looks great with this image. ~BV~
Raymond Ma29-May-2011 04:09
The ambiance is aglow in warm and fire. V
Jeff Real28-May-2011 00:53
A powerful use of color. I love this mood! ~V~
CM Kwan25-May-2011 12:49
This is fantastic, Pawel! V
Giancarlo Guzzardi24-May-2011 10:27
great visual impact
PauloCGama24-May-2011 01:52
Gorgeous colors indeed. Love it, Pawel.
Patricia Kay23-May-2011 20:12
Stunning image Pawel...gorgeous colors and composition...Love it!...BV
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