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LowTech | all galleries >> World Views >> Dirt Track Travels >> To the land of Tuc Sun > Rail line
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Rail line

This morning we finished out the powerline road, it ended at a open gate that read "Private Property". There were no other offshoots and we weren't going all the way back to where we started. So . . . we squeezed through the 8 1/2' gate (we're 8' wide) pushing branches out of the way, crawled through the little dry wash on the other side, dodged a junk car, and popped out in someones back yard.
We slowly made our way (without crushing anything) through the backyard, along the side of the property and out the front gate.
Not a soul showed. Guess when a couple Mech Monsters appear in your yard first thing in the morning it's best just to stay inside.

Outside the front gate we found pavement not far off. A few miles on that got us to our next bit of dirt, a rail line service road.
Rail line roads are usually pretty good, sometimes the washes are a challenge but the rest is often better than what you can find on a dirt road shared with personal transports. They can washboard a good road in no time. Seems that people think if you go faster on washboard it's better. Better for what? Your rig? No! The road? No! Faster you go the more it washboards . . . the more it washboards the faster people go, . . . repeat.

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