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Nick Arena | all galleries >> Galleries >> Land and Sea >
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Canon EOS 5D
1/40s f/14.0 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Marisa Livet17-Aug-2013 12:51
Sublime composition. I deeply love it!
Buba Jafarli09-Oct-2012 15:38
Fantastic! A photo with sound! V.
Vickie BROWN17-Oct-2011 13:01
Stunning capture, terrific! BV
marko gregoric03-Aug-2011 18:52
Stunning image. V
Carol How24-Jun-2011 00:38
Stunning scenery and so peaceful! V
Alejandro23-May-2011 20:29
awesome pic, well done. vote
Steve Sharp08-May-2011 11:24
I hope the photographer stayed dry! Love the hint of green in the wave too :)
goelsamuel08-May-2011 03:33
Absolutely stunning shot! V++
bill friedlander06-May-2011 18:19
Beautiful light and colors. I hope the photographer didn't get his equipment wet. V
Herbey Morales06-May-2011 17:39
Fantastic capture!! v
Michal Leszczynski06-May-2011 07:09
Stunning capture of wave impact, excellent image. V.
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