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Meggi Raeder | all galleries >> Life as I see it [multiple galleries] >> Flowers >
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21-APR-2011 M. Raeder - Photography


Nikon D700
1/1000s f/7.1 at 105.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
MarcViskens03-Nov-2014 21:21
very nice composed
godro26-Feb-2013 00:28
Nice compo,well done!
LyleT29-Aug-2012 22:30
Beautiful, Really stunning. Love the composition and management. BV
Carol E Sandgren02-Jan-2012 18:39
Like a sultry glass of fine red wine, this image just glows of romance! Nice job, Meggi!
Vickie BROWN13-Nov-2011 11:34
Superb image, very well done! V
MarcViskens15-Aug-2011 07:10
stunning shot
very well done
Simon Chandler08-Aug-2011 03:07
Amazing and sensual. Wonderful work. v
Carol E Sandgren24-Apr-2011 18:29
Perfect, and dramatically RED!!
pr_rajan24-Apr-2011 14:13
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