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marko gregoric | all galleries >> From Slovenia >> Sports > DSC_4560.jpg
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Gervan26-Apr-2012 22:59
Great shot. Perfectly frozen motion. V.
Lieve Snellings01-Mar-2012 20:24
fantastic timing... v
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)09-Oct-2011 08:01
Well caught! V
Anna & Christian RECK13-Aug-2011 13:44
Excellent shot and a perfect timing for this very nice sportman in action! BV. Anna
Gilles MICHEL18-Jun-2011 16:13
Andre Fontaine04-Apr-2011 23:15
wow! superbe capture et jolie compo!
Michel Duval03-Apr-2011 09:30
A very go timing for this capture. Excellent work. v
January Grey02-Apr-2011 07:12
Great timing! Terrific action shot! V~
pierreratte01-Apr-2011 14:17
Very nice shot on action, well done Marko, great details,
Fong Lam01-Apr-2011 13:31
Excellent freeze action capture, Marko! V
Randy Adams01-Apr-2011 11:48
another excellent capture Marko! V
Guest 01-Apr-2011 04:58
Terrific candid, Marko! Nice work!
Gerard Koehl01-Apr-2011 04:32
Superbe action. V
Lieve Snellings01-Apr-2011 03:43
great action shot ! V
Hank Vander Velde01-Apr-2011 02:15
Beautiful sharp action shot Marko.
Guest 01-Apr-2011 01:07
Very nice freeze action and exposure...V
Jean Chiasson31-Mar-2011 21:21
Great catch timing bravo marko big vote
Maja Waiss31-Mar-2011 20:24
Great! V
joseantonio31-Mar-2011 19:24
Excellent shot
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