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J. Scott Coile | all galleries >> Sense of Place (26 subgalleries) >> Kingston Springs, TN > 82
March Faces XXV
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March Faces XXV

Kingston Springs, TN

Some say Woody always has his head in the clouds ;-)

Canon EOS 1D Mark II ,Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L
1/800s f/7.1 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Gary Winters25-Mar-2011 04:08
Self portrait again?
Guest 25-Mar-2011 03:26
you growing a moustache? :) Vµ
s_barbour24-Mar-2011 02:26
Oh good one Scott, great perspective!
Yvonne24-Mar-2011 01:41
Superb! v
Stephanie23-Mar-2011 22:51
Very clever carving and find! :)
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography23-Mar-2011 22:11
Superb, Vote.
Colin Storey23-Mar-2011 21:13
Thats a great carving, love the textures and light.
Colin Storey23-Mar-2011 20:34
Thats a great carving, love the textures and light.
Johnny JAG23-Mar-2011 19:44
Love it.
Walter Otto Koenig23-Mar-2011 19:38
Very cool. Looks kind of like Panama Red. ;)
Bob Floyd23-Mar-2011 18:50
Oh yeah! Great face for the month!
laine23-Mar-2011 18:38
What a great face :))
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