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Coleen Perilloux Landry | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> March 2011 > A Different Shade of Lore
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22 March 2011 Coleen Perilloux Landry

A Different Shade of Lore


This pair of great egrets has a different shade of green around the eyes. The other birds in the rookery have yellow-green lores and this bird and its mate have turquoise-green lores. I saw this pair in 2009 and noticed the difference in the color of their lores as compared to the other birds. Perhaps they came from a different part of the country or had a different diet than the birds who have more yellow in their lores.

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LynnH25-Mar-2011 01:09
Amazing and wonderful photo and find. V
nightwings24-Mar-2011 20:04
Another beautiful shot of these magnificent birds. Very astute observation to see the different eye color
petesie24-Mar-2011 12:10
This is an especially appealing image. I think the stick in the foreground adds depth and interest. Great observation, too. GMV
Neal Nye24-Mar-2011 11:24
What an interesting observation. I might never have noticed.
Cindi Smith24-Mar-2011 04:08
That's something I haven't seen on any of ours here. Nice capture. Love the bright light!
Frank Wilson24-Mar-2011 04:06
Any idea how old these birds get or how often they return to the same place?
Dennis Hoyne24-Mar-2011 03:57
Excellent info. on a superb photo.
s_barbour24-Mar-2011 02:28
Terrific observation Coleen, beautiful capture!
Yvonne24-Mar-2011 01:47
Interesting detail you observed Coleen... beautiful capture.
Hank Vander Velde24-Mar-2011 01:28
Nice shot and well observed difference Coleen.
joanteno23-Mar-2011 23:54
A beautiful shot.
A J Adams23-Mar-2011 22:26
Great observation and nice capture.
J. Scott Coile23-Mar-2011 21:27
Well noticed Coleen.
laine23-Mar-2011 18:18
I love the shadowy look of the partner in the good to see the again
Chris Cox23-Mar-2011 18:14
Nice catch and good details. I've noticed a few with different color lores.
Zak23-Mar-2011 18:01
Nice catch!
Shayne23-Mar-2011 17:52
a very intresting observation.

You do the images of the Egrets so well Coleen ~ keep them coming!!!
Guest 23-Mar-2011 16:51
Very nice image Coleen..
Nice details in your whites...