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Randy Adams | all galleries >> Part-Time Pixels in Taiwan >> Feb Mar 2011 > Mar 22
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Mar 22

Nikon D300S
1/40s f/3.5 at 180.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
godro24-Feb-2013 18:40
Nice scene bravo!
an N 27-Mar-2011 12:52
I really like this photo .
Such soulful and sweet .
Fong Lam23-Mar-2011 12:05
Placing those noodles onto that spoon looks difficult...nice selective coloring in this superb composition, Randy! V
NealyBob23-Mar-2011 05:51
Wonderful candid Randy! I like your use of selective color in this one~!V
January Grey23-Mar-2011 05:35
Selective color works beautifully! Nice job, Randy. Love her concentration. V~
Bryan Murahashi23-Mar-2011 04:03
Great color treatment in this capture. V
Liz Bickel23-Mar-2011 03:22
Very eye catching with the select color. Wonderfully composed.
Art Parnell23-Mar-2011 03:21
Interesting subject and good use of selective color. Well done, Randy!
Graeme23-Mar-2011 00:24
This one really pops Randy. Well done.BV!
Hank Vander Velde23-Mar-2011 00:05
Very nice image with pleasing treatment Randy.
Tricia22-Mar-2011 13:24
Very nice image with the selective colour
Carol Rollins22-Mar-2011 13:24
Excellent composition and selective coloring, Randy. ~
Jim Coffman22-Mar-2011 12:23
Very nice selective color image! V
Vince22-Mar-2011 12:15
Excellent work with the selective coloring. Very good depth of field. Vote.