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Raf | all galleries >> Galleries >> Spring A gallery plenty of new life > _2265920.4.jpg
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26 Feb 2011 Rafma


Always look at the bright side of ... rain!

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Cornelis Heijkant 29-Mar-2020 01:16
Prachtig die nog gesloten bloembladeren met dauw druppels. v
Irene Wehrli09-Mar-2011 16:40
This is so lovely with the waterdrops, wonderful colors!
MarcViskens02-Mar-2011 17:03
heel mooie compositie Raf
prachtig met de waterdruppels en de gekozen scherptediepte
Aat Bender27-Feb-2011 22:52
Prachtige plaat, complimenten!
borisalex27-Feb-2011 10:02
Brilliant composition with such focus and bokeh! v.
fdt27-Feb-2011 09:01
Prachtige prent. f
Gerard Koehl26-Feb-2011 21:37
Wow... une pure merveille. V
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