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Michal Leszczynski | all galleries >> In Box >> Latest Photos > Portrait among paintings
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18-FEB-2011 Michal Leszczynski

Portrait among paintings


Portrait of artist

Portrait among paintings

Portrait among paintings

Portrait of artist

Portrait of artist



Vernissage of an exhibition of paintings

Museum of Sounthern Podlasie

Vernissage of an exhibition of paintings

18th February 2011

Canon EOS 50D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/60s f/5.6 at 53.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
MarcViskens22-Feb-2011 20:22
excellent work Michal
Bryan Murahashi22-Feb-2011 04:25
Excellent portraits, Michal. V
Valene22-Feb-2011 03:08
Beautiful collection of portraits Michal! V
Keith O'Brien21-Feb-2011 21:59
Excellent collection with superb portraits - well done Michal! V
Guest 21-Feb-2011 18:10
     Just wunderful!
Guest 21-Feb-2011 15:56
Excellent collection, Michal. Beautiful. V
Patricia Kay21-Feb-2011 15:39
Beautiful portraits Michal....BV
Ursula Armstrong21-Feb-2011 12:43
great series. Very nice portraits - well done, Michal. Uschi (V)
January Grey21-Feb-2011 12:19
Terrific series of portraits! V~
Fong Lam21-Feb-2011 11:35
Wonderful collection of beautiful portraits, Michal....V
Stephanie21-Feb-2011 09:40
What a wonderful series of portraits! Excellent lighting Michal! V
Tom LeRoy21-Feb-2011 08:34
very nice collection of expertly captured portraits!V!
Zoltán Balogh21-Feb-2011 07:30
A very nice series of portraits Michal! V
joseantonio21-Feb-2011 05:38
Very nice collection
Hank Vander Velde21-Feb-2011 02:19
Terrific series of portraits Michal.
Ted Aanensen21-Feb-2011 02:03
superb captures Michal, interesting but all very well done BV
Graeme20-Feb-2011 23:23
A beautiful collection of portraits Michal.BV
Doug Cruden20-Feb-2011 21:19
Some superb portraits here, Michal - excellent work my friend!
Gerard Koehl20-Feb-2011 21:15
Superbe série... V
Ken Chambers ARPS20-Feb-2011 21:10
Wonderful collection of Artists at the Exhibition.
Very good lighting and framing. .... voted
Colin Storey20-Feb-2011 21:05
Great series of portraits. v
Jim Coffman20-Feb-2011 21:01
Very nice images,Michal! V
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