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Rob Rosetti | all galleries >> Galleries >> The missing files > fullfillness
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14-OCT-2009 Rob


Canon PowerShot A720 IS
IMG_1175 - 1/400s f/4.5 at 26.7mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 03-Feb-2011 20:33
Nice title, and great colours, V
Fong Lam02-Feb-2011 18:51
Reaching out towards that lovely sky....V
shatterbug02-Feb-2011 09:11
Beautiful light and color tones!
Aud Elise Sjøsæther02-Feb-2011 09:02
Really beautiful! V
Guest 02-Feb-2011 03:56
Excellent words to go with this image! ~V