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Duncan Bristow | all galleries >> Galleries >> Simcoe Composite School and Norfolk County 1969-72 (Pentax SV / 50mm f1.8 lens) > SCS trip to the ROM & McGlaughlin Planetarium
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SCS trip to the ROM & McGlaughlin Planetarium

Nikon Super Coolscan 4000 ED

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Guest 25-Jan-2012 00:51
... as in other photo, we have the same foursome at right,here :
John Brightman, blonde as can be ; Dawn Wood in light-coloured coat ;
Kathy Horn leaning into Dawn ; and Paul Shay wearing the fedora.
Guest 07-Jan-2012 16:26
John Brightman...foreground at right.
Guest 09-Aug-2011 18:45
Howard Glynn at extreme lower left,Larry Glynn leaning in plaid pants.
Guest 04-Aug-2011 00:10
Judith Ross left of Janet?
Guest 23-Jun-2011 22:19
and I think Janet Pepper is the tall girl facing camera, and to the left of Mr. Evans.
Guest 28-May-2011 01:42
The same foursome at right,plus: silver-haired geography teacher Mr.Ralph Evans facing right, and Kevin Livingstone to Evans' right.