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David Hobbs | all galleries >> PaD 12 >> PaD 11 > 11Jan11Bf.jpg
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Those who get reports of happenings in Australia will know that the east coast of this island has
experienced an almost biblical downpour these past few weeks. An area of land (estimated to be
approaching the size of France) is either presently underwater with flooding or has recently been
so. Many towns and cities have experienced billions of dollars in damage and thousands of people
are in temporary refuges until they can return to sodden homes. The rain continues as do my still
life images which can still be managed without risk of a drenching.

Hang on. Noah's Ark just floated by. Gee Whiz.
Incidentally, this is a "Pink Lady" apple - absolutely delicious, let me assure you.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Margot W13-Jan-2011 06:14
When I watch the news I can't believe my eyes.
You know what they say about an apple a day but who could bite into this beauty.
Guest 13-Jan-2011 00:14
The simplicity of all those curves against one straight stalk.
Can't wait for some of my rare apple tree types to fruit to compare colours.
bill friedlander12-Jan-2011 19:53
Lovely close-up of the Pink Lady, I prefer this shot to the B&W. I think people would be skeptical if you identified the B&W as a Pink Lady :-) V
Stephanie12-Jan-2011 09:24
I do hear news reports of the huge rains in Australia. Hopefully the rains and flooding will subside soon.
Gorgeous still life David!!! Crunch! Crunch! BV
LyleT12-Jan-2011 05:01
I can hear the crunch from here. Beaut apple photo. I wonder if we will have many for the new season?
slhoornstra12-Jan-2011 04:32
A beautiful apple, looks like a Fuji. I prefer the color this time. It looks good enough and real enough to eat!! I hope you and Norma are far away from the flooding, tucked in, and cozy!! V
Guest 12-Jan-2011 03:36
Beautiful handling of shiny surface. V.