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Canon EOS 50D
1/50s f/3.5 at 28.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
J. Scott Coile27-Oct-2010 23:59
Needs a little TLC.
lou_rozensteins27-Oct-2010 21:58
Excellent light. Well done.
laine27-Oct-2010 21:29
Echoes of times gone by....beautifully composed.
Guest 27-Oct-2010 19:54
What a great mood this photo captures. V
Kevin Chester27-Oct-2010 17:17
Thats good for at least another season :-)
Mark Robinette27-Oct-2010 14:26
What a great eye you have :-)
Ray :)27-Oct-2010 14:17
so much better than a perfect one!
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography27-Oct-2010 13:09
very nice autumn's scene..v
PauloCGama27-Oct-2010 11:58
Great quiet & peaceful mood. Wonderful details and fabulous 3D sensation!!
Martha Albuquerque27-Oct-2010 09:01
beautiful and bucolic! <3
12327-Oct-2010 04:35
Beautiful colors. V
Jean-Claude Liehn27-Oct-2010 03:14
And it seems, on the thumbnail, to be a big open book on the lower left corner. Perhaps does the bay read in it...
Guest 27-Oct-2010 03:01
You are a great listener! V.
Jean-Claude Liehn27-Oct-2010 02:56
...and you recorded its words beautifuly.