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05-MAR-2010 patou


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marko gregoric22-Oct-2011 16:41
Strong image. V
Michael Tauber04-Jun-2011 17:58
Excellent photo!
laine01-Feb-2011 01:34
This has such amazing appeal...there is an affinity, a trust between the man and the common bird!!
MarcViskens09-Jan-2011 07:49
une photo extraordinaire
belle prise de ces oiseaux
bien fait Patou
Lieve Snellings02-Jan-2011 12:20
WOWWWWWWW this is terrific ! V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)13-Dec-2010 10:26
Excellent work my friend! V
veraferia07-Dec-2010 14:39
Spontaneous and lovely scene!
bill friedlander21-Nov-2010 22:39
Fantastic composition. Beautiful light, excellent timing. The birds in flight are wonderful. A wonderful gesture by the birdman. V
silvia marmori14-Nov-2010 23:09
i love this image.. i love the soul, the feelings..
shatterbug14-Nov-2010 21:37
What a brilliant the sidelighting and the capture of his expression and the birds is phenomenal!
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte09-Nov-2010 21:19
What a fantastic composition! This is a beautiful capture in a simple task! Best regards,

Len07-Nov-2010 02:50
Excellent capture Patou !!!V.
Francisco Figueras31-Oct-2010 18:50
excellent shot!
Lee G25-Oct-2010 21:51
Super candid moment, very nice capture, Patou!
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak18-Oct-2010 06:07
Excellent !!! ~V~
Ceya16-Oct-2010 11:08
Wonderful image, the man with his little bird friends - touching mood., well done. V!
slhoornstra16-Oct-2010 04:23
Such beautiful light and color in this great candid! V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography15-Oct-2010 22:11
Great shot, Voted !
mario .n15-Oct-2010 21:43
Exellent une très jolie photo sur le vif !
François Fauchard15-Oct-2010 19:34
Une jolie scène de ces effrontés et de l'homme les nourrissant. V
jlm15-Oct-2010 17:24
Intéressant personnage !
jACQUES LANCEREAU 15-Oct-2010 07:52
Très, très belle scène de vie, tout y est dans la prise de vue sur le fait, BRAVO.
Qui plus est les tons des "fringues" du personnage rappelle le plumage des oiseaux.
Stephanie14-Oct-2010 21:49
Excellent timing ~ most interesting shot! V
globalgadabout14-Oct-2010 14:03
excellent portrayal of this endearing scene...many dynamic poses of the sparrows...V
cambraniz14-Oct-2010 09:50
Une jolie scène, bien exploitée. V
Dan Greenberg14-Oct-2010 04:30
How do you capture these things? Amazing sense of timing and composition. ~vVv~
12314-Oct-2010 02:50
Excellent. V
Guest 14-Oct-2010 02:27
I keep coming back to see this photo! its great! ~V
lou_rozensteins14-Oct-2010 02:14
Excellent candid!
Fabienne13-Oct-2010 22:39
c'est une très jolie scène et tu étais là au bon moment !
lisamidi13-Oct-2010 21:58
Great capture of a special moment, bien vu! v
Aud Elise Sjøsæther13-Oct-2010 20:31
Wonderful capture! V
Peter Sussex13-Oct-2010 19:42
Birdman is a great character:) Fantastic shot!!!
Guest 13-Oct-2010 19:17
superbe ce moment, V
Guest 13-Oct-2010 19:07
Great capture of the moment! ~V
Walter Otto Koenig13-Oct-2010 18:33
Great capture of the birdman. Very well composed with this lighting and good timing to get this. "V"
Gerard Koehl13-Oct-2010 17:21
Excellent. V
Raf13-Oct-2010 17:20
Bien vu et belle composition. J'aime aussi les deux "spectateurs" dans le coin gauche supérieur. V.
Guenter Eh13-Oct-2010 16:47
Great moment! Superb timing!
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