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Approach of an Alien Star photo - Dan Greenberg photos at pbase.com
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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Travel and Places (42 Galleries) >> Around Denver > Approach of an Alien Star
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Approach of an Alien Star

Denver, CO

Taken at Union Station in Denver
Best viewed at original size.

Nikon D300 ,Nikkor 10.5mm f/2.8G ED AF DX Fisheye
1/60s f/11.0 at 10.5mm iso200 (3 Exposure HDR) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Nick Paoni16-May-2017 13:39
An amazing capture- so well photographed and processed. V
Walter Otto Koenig28-Jan-2017 02:00
Congrats Dan. This image won the 427th Show & Tell Competition: Architecture in Black and White. Love this image. Makes me want to get my 10.5mm out again. "V"
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)17-Jan-2017 18:14
Very cool. Vote
Carol E Sandgren26-Dec-2016 19:39
Wow! I really have GOT to get myself to Danver! Have never been before except through the airport. What fine photo opportunities you have found there! Love this monochrome image rich with content and details!
Stefano Dei23-Dec-2016 06:20
Great composition work in this image, a challenge with fisheye! V
Arthur Lebacq05-Nov-2011 15:42
Original and creative work....nice results with your fisheye lens.....very well done......V.
settler24-Sep-2010 17:10
Wonderful composition..such a great image..V!!
bill friedlander24-Sep-2010 16:59
Stunning composition and fantastic tones. So well done. V
B. Shortall - BCS Photography24-Sep-2010 14:27
Love the conversion! How did you do the star?!
CM Kwan24-Sep-2010 11:49
This is a masterpiece, excellent use of fisheye lens, Dan! V
Jean-Rene A24-Sep-2010 10:09
Very impressive B&W ! Dynamic and "reversing". V
Guest 24-Sep-2010 09:04
love your angle thinking,wonderful,creative shot and process.v.
lou_rozensteins24-Sep-2010 07:41
Wonderful .... it fits the distortion so well!
Mike Stobbs24-Sep-2010 03:18
Sweet I just started looking at these images.....again and need to get off my you now what and get some done.....braVo...Mike I should have left you my 10.5 what fun lens.