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Phil Douglis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery Eighty: A city portrait – impressions of Mission Beach > Early morning surfer, Mission Beach, San Diego, California, 2010
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Early morning surfer, Mission Beach, San Diego, California, 2010

For dedicated surfers, the day can start just after dawn. I found this fellow trudging to the water’s edge, his midsection incongruously vanishing behind his board. He wears a wetsuit, and his only audience is a lone seagull.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1
1/400s f/5.6 at 200.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Phil Douglis01-Oct-2010 19:12
You are right -- we are all part of the audience through the magic of photography.
Tim May01-Oct-2010 16:23
Ah but he has another audience - you - and through you, us.
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