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Scottish school of Contemporary Dance

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Dan Opdal04-Nov-2010 20:45
Wonderfully captured, superb art. V
Jola Dziubinska04-Nov-2010 13:48
Stunning photo. V.
Guest 10-Oct-2010 05:48
Got my vote!
Guest 10-Oct-2010 05:48
Got my vote!
Brandon Mardon26-Sep-2010 10:34
Another master piece..."Sunset Hunter"
william mahan24-Sep-2010 20:22

Teriffic presentation of grace!!
goelsamuel22-Sep-2010 19:59
Outstanding shot! Excellent capture and beautiful tones! V! Goel
Cindi Smith10-Sep-2010 06:31
Oh, this is beautiful! Good to see you posting again! Wow!
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