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marko gregoric | all galleries >> Potovanja - Travels >> Македонија - Macedonia > "Mad Max 5" from Kavadarci
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"Mad Max 5" from Kavadarci

other sizes: small medium large original auto
globalgadabout04-Sep-2010 14:19
an amazing vehicle
Rosi Blaurock01-Sep-2010 08:24
Cool shot.
Valene31-Aug-2010 01:38
Great capture. V
NealyBob30-Aug-2010 08:00
Nice shot of this unusual vehicle~!V
Zoltán Balogh30-Aug-2010 05:53
Lol...this is really funny!:) V
Maja Waiss29-Aug-2010 18:05
Nice! V
Colin Storey29-Aug-2010 17:11
Looks like a scary machine, well seen and taken and a great title. v
Fong Lam29-Aug-2010 16:22
Great shot of this interesting four wheeler, Marko....V
don nieman29-Aug-2010 15:24
Cool ride...tool!
Bryan Murahashi29-Aug-2010 15:16
Great shot of this mobile table saw. He looks proud of it.
Guest 29-Aug-2010 13:04
Great capture of this very unusual contraption.
Vince29-Aug-2010 12:22
Excellent composition Marko. Vote.
Jim Coffman29-Aug-2010 12:22
What a great title! I like his crazy machine!
CM Kwan29-Aug-2010 11:25
Very nice capture, Marko! V
Milan Vogrin29-Aug-2010 10:44
Interesting home made machine.
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