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Canon EOS Rebel T1i
1/200s f/6.3 at 40.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Denise Bilodeau29-May-2012 22:44
Magnifique portrait.j'aime beaucoupvotre éclairage,bravo
Alain Boussac14-Sep-2010 15:40
Married to Santorini Oia : it is beautiful as in a dream and your image also with this superb light on them, Yiannis. V.
laine07-Sep-2010 22:08
A day long remembered no doubt. V
an nguyen29-Aug-2010 02:55
Made in Heaven.
Tom Briggs27-Aug-2010 21:03
Great sot of this newlywed couple ... what a grand place for a wedding and/or honeymoon. Voted