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Chris Spracklen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favourites by hit count (2,000-3,000) > Great Hall, Montacute House (4371)
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10.7.10 Chris Spracklen

Great Hall, Montacute House (4371)

Montacute House, Montacute, Somerset

Nikon D90 ,Tokina AT-X 116 Pro DX
1/10s f/4.0 at 11.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Nestor Derkach17-Apr-2012 16:07
Love the feel of natural light in this beautiful room .
Image detail and perspective most excellent from the flooring to the walls.
Love the paintings on the wall and the wood work is amazing.
Guest 22-Oct-2011 15:44
beautiful perspective and colors.v
PauloCGama18-Oct-2010 01:22
This is a living room for sure! :)
Excellent details and fabulous use of light, my friend.
Jay Levin13-Jul-2010 18:35
My wife would love to have a living room like this, Chris. Great wide-angle shot of this beautiful hall.
Ken Chambers ARPS13-Jul-2010 16:47
Chris, this is a great picture of a Great Hall ... BV
globalgadabout13-Jul-2010 15:43
a masterful portrayal of this magnificent space...V
Alain Boussac13-Jul-2010 13:51
Very nice perspective, exposure and warm colors. V.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad13-Jul-2010 13:44
I love the warm summery colours in this hall.
Walter Otto Koenig13-Jul-2010 13:34
Wonderful wide interior shot with a lot of fine details and a very good exposure. You are getting great results with your Tokina my friend. "V"
Jim Coffman13-Jul-2010 12:55
Gerard Koehl13-Jul-2010 04:32
Magnifique intérieur... V
William Vogt13-Jul-2010 02:10
Regards, Bill
bill friedlander13-Jul-2010 01:44
Fantastic interior shot. Composition, details, light, all great. Its a beautiful hall. V
Sam Stevenson13-Jul-2010 00:35
Great interior shot of this beautiful historic place.
Hank Vander Velde12-Jul-2010 23:42
BEAUTIFUL, well captured and well composed interior image Chris.
Stephanie12-Jul-2010 23:34
Terrific interior shot Chris! You handled the wide angle beautifully without giving a "woozy" feeling to the viewer. :)
Guest 12-Jul-2010 23:25
Wonderful perspective. Voted.
Guest 12-Jul-2010 23:18
Great interior again ! You have this nailed ...!
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