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Painted with Sun

Canon EOS 40D ,Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
1/320s f/7.1 at 110.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Marcia Rules18-Sep-2010 20:54
very striking...excellent framing as well..V
Gus Rosenfeld09-Jul-2010 23:25
Perfection - one of my favorites - g
Jay Levin07-Jul-2010 23:11
Gorgeous backlighting and colors and excellent composition. A beautiful image.
Chad Ramsey06-Jul-2010 14:59
Beautiful light captured here! V
Carol Rollins03-Jul-2010 23:10
Beautiful composition, light and color. ~
deborahcuming03-Jul-2010 22:50
stunning Alina! the light is wonderful and the leaves are so perfect...each and every vein! BV
Giancarlo Guzzardi02-Jul-2010 10:43
very nice, a splendid backlighting
Photodelles30-Jun-2010 22:36
Impressive picture.
Michaval29-Jun-2010 07:41
Espectacular foto. V
Peter Ericsson29-Jun-2010 03:28
That is very nice. Strong colors and illuminating leaves make for a nice impression.
Steve Morris28-Jun-2010 20:23
A fine study of light and shade Alina - from foliage to fine art!BV
Galina Stepanova28-Jun-2010 19:55
Creative use of light. Beautiful picture!
bill friedlander28-Jun-2010 14:59
Beautiful colors and details. Love the erose leaf edges outline in white. Looks great against the dark background. V
Pierre28-Jun-2010 11:59
Le titre décrit très bien la scène. Magnifique capture! V
Guest 28-Jun-2010 10:59
Beautiful back lighting and details, Alina... well seen!
Chun Lo28-Jun-2010 10:50
You have used the light really well in this image, the compo and coluor is also great.
Great capture!
Bryan Murahashi28-Jun-2010 04:30
A beautiful photo. V
janescottcumming28-Jun-2010 04:16
Beautiful. Perfect light, perfect photo. ~V~
Laura Sebastianelli28-Jun-2010 02:50
Hank Vander Velde28-Jun-2010 01:24
Carl Carbone27-Jun-2010 23:44
There's not much left to say ... beautifully seen and captured! V
Guest 27-Jun-2010 22:13
Wonderful example of how to take advantage of available light.
marie-jose wolff27-Jun-2010 21:39
beautiful light and fine details! V
zyziza27-Jun-2010 19:38
Full of light!!!
Guest 27-Jun-2010 18:02
Superb! This is wonderful Alina! V
Guest 27-Jun-2010 17:16
Fabulous details.
Robert Houde27-Jun-2010 16:23
Exquisite capture! vote.
Stephanie27-Jun-2010 15:56
The sun really makes the leaves sparkle! Outstanding shot! BV
Guest 27-Jun-2010 15:32
superb... V
Gerard Koehl27-Jun-2010 15:23
Magnifique cadrage et rendu. V
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad27-Jun-2010 14:41
Beautiful light and composition. V
Lamar Nix27-Jun-2010 14:16
Splendid backlighting that coaxes out the cellular details nicely. V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography27-Jun-2010 13:23
Lovely capture, beautiful light, Vote.
CM Kwan27-Jun-2010 12:30
Wow, this is really outstanding, Alina! V
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