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Robin Reid | all galleries >> P.E.S.O. -2010 >> Summer 2010 > Camp Pendleton Mud Run
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19-JUN-2010 Robin Reid

Camp Pendleton Mud Run

Camp Pendleton, CA

Sami who often graces these pages with her beauty ran in a 10K “mud run” with her friend Jill this morning. Clicking on the image below will take you to a few more shots.

Canon EOS 40D ,Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
1/400s f/13.0 at 105.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Günter Hofstädter29-Aug-2011 08:57
love it
laine20-Jun-2010 23:53
petesie20-Jun-2010 23:23
This is definitely a different image of Sami....Well done and it is obvious she is having a ball!
Pepe Zyman20-Jun-2010 21:54
That's really fun!
Cindi Smith20-Jun-2010 20:40
Well, she still looks beautiful in the mud. And, she looks like she's having fun!
coaster20-Jun-2010 13:40
Nice action shot, Robin!
Herb 20-Jun-2010 02:45
Great action shot
Coleen Perilloux Landry20-Jun-2010 01:50
Looks like great fun and she looks in great shape, too. Eewwww.