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Jaime González | all galleries >> Galleries >> Asturias > 09
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Jaime González


"This photo was taken in the fishery harbour of Luarca"

other sizes: small medium original auto
Hernan E. Enriquez14-Aug-2010 18:34
Tremenda Jaime!
12309-Jun-2010 07:34
Flight. Beauty. V
Walter Otto Koenig08-Jun-2010 13:42
A wonderful capture. Freedom! "V"
Giancarlo Guzzardi08-Jun-2010 07:25
simple and beautiful!
Paco López08-Jun-2010 04:46
Una aerodinamica perfecta!! Excelente caza, V!!
FrankB07-Jun-2010 22:50
well if it isn't Jonathan Livingston himself! :) great capture...V
Patricia Kay07-Jun-2010 20:20
Great capture Jaime...BV
Guest 07-Jun-2010 19:43
Impresionante captura, Jaime.
María Cano07-Jun-2010 18:43
Juan Salvador Gaviota .. sueños de libertad, de plantearse retos y romper con lo establecido .. Todos llevamos uno dentro .. Bien captado Jaime .. !! -V-
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