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Johan Gerrits | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ethiopia - The Danakil 2 >
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The Dallol Depression, also called Danakil Depression, is a desert with some areas that are more than 100 meters (328 feet) below sea level. This is special because it is one of the lowest points on earth not covered by water. There are hot yellow sulfur fields among the sparkling white salt beds.

Heat isn't the only thing people feel in the Dallol Depression. Alarming earth tremors are frequently felt. There are also several active volcanoes. Temperatures can reach as high as 145 degrees Fahrenheit (63 degrees Celsius) in the sun.

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Danad22-Jun-2024 13:42
Nature's fantasy at its best !
Patricia Kay01-Jun-2010 09:25
Fantastic colors and textures Johan...BV
Jola Dziubinska31-May-2010 23:00
Amazing colors and textures. V.
anuschka31-May-2010 22:54
Incredibly beautiful. V.