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© Benoit Durocher

Smoking/Non Smoking

Nikon D40
1/1250s f/5.0 at 120.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jean-Luc Elias31-Oct-2013 20:51
You are a great photographer AND great model ! BV
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)02-Jul-2010 16:15
Excellent and beautiful,Vote
Michel CORBOZ17-May-2010 12:58
Vieille habitude ??? en tout cas la pose et la photo sont réussie
Marcia Colelli04-May-2010 01:33
:-) Wonderful pose and portrait V
Jean-Luc Rollier03-May-2010 22:29
Wow! Quel beau portrait! Merci le vent pour ce superbe mouvement dand les cheveux.
Le titre est amusant...Je préfère "non"!
JL Vote
bill friedlander03-May-2010 18:52
The hand position certainly leaves the question open. Thats a very sophisticated looking lady. V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography03-May-2010 13:27
Beautiful portrait, Vote :)
lou_rozensteins03-May-2010 09:38
An excellent portrait. Very nice shot.
Guest 03-May-2010 08:41
Love it as well. Great capture, V!
marko gregoric03-May-2010 06:41
Fantastic candid. So well captured in her expression. V.
Francisco Figueras03-May-2010 05:42
Guest 03-May-2010 05:41
Una imagen llena de movimiento. Excelente.
an nguyen03-May-2010 02:34
You look great..
PauloCGama03-May-2010 01:24
love it! v