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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Spring_Scavenger_Hunt_2010 > #17 Alchemy
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#17 Alchemy

Kodak Z650
1/8s f/3.2 at 31.3mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Carl and Racine Erland18-Apr-2010 20:32
Beautifully shot...interesting interpretation of 'alchemy'. - Racine V
Jola Dziubinska17-Apr-2010 00:57
Brilliant interpretation.
Guest 16-Apr-2010 22:17
Beautiful use of selective shutter speed, Carol.
Frank Brault16-Apr-2010 21:45
A superb composition and a marvelous sense of movement in the water. Love the subtle colors too. V
J. Scott Coile16-Apr-2010 19:59
LynnH16-Apr-2010 14:55
So peaceful. Very well done.
lisamidi16-Apr-2010 14:38
Lovely dreamy scene!
Ann...16-Apr-2010 13:13
I love this dreamy water.
Yvonne16-Apr-2010 10:33
Wonderful watery movement Carol!
laine16-Apr-2010 09:39
Very pretty...
lou_rozensteins16-Apr-2010 09:04
Excellent work. Very well done.
Chris16-Apr-2010 07:08
Kathryn16-Apr-2010 06:23
Beautifully done.
Stephanie16-Apr-2010 06:22
Gorgeous waterfall Carol! :)
borisalex16-Apr-2010 05:43
Natural powers transforming.....interesting take on this word!
Cindi Smith16-Apr-2010 02:57 beautiful1
Guest 16-Apr-2010 02:28
Beautiful and dreamy! Great shot Carol!
Inga Morozoff16-Apr-2010 01:03
Could be 'dreamy' too!
Lieve Snellings15-Apr-2010 23:56
wow, wonderful point of view ! v
Kilkenny Photographic Society15-Apr-2010 23:31
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