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Jean Chiasson | all galleries >> Galleries >> In Box > Chaleurs intense
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Chaleurs intense

Pentax K20D
1/640s f/8.0 at 190.0mm iso200 full exif

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XiaoBernard9908-Sep-2010 06:29
Bien capté.Attirant.V
Janet Forjan-Freedman20-Jun-2010 18:06
Wow! A challenging shot captured very well!
Brandon Mardon16-May-2010 07:29
Excellent photography..."Sunset Hunter"
Chris Spracklen12-Apr-2010 18:56
Fine shot, Jean.
Perfect exposure and composition.
Christophe Pampoulie12-Apr-2010 18:04
Superb subject well captured. beautiful Jean! V.
bill friedlander12-Apr-2010 17:41
Lovely composition with excellent detail and colors. The flames make wonderful curly shapes. V
Walter Otto Koenig12-Apr-2010 15:50
Great shot of the fire. Fine work to get this range of colors and details. "V"
Lamar Nix12-Apr-2010 14:15
Flames dance about magically in this image!
Aivar Mikko12-Apr-2010 09:47
Very nice. V.
CM Kwan12-Apr-2010 09:44
Perfect in every way, Jean! V
Blandine Mangin12-Apr-2010 09:25
superbe composition ! v
Colin Storey12-Apr-2010 09:24
Fantastic image of the dancing flames v
princess12-Apr-2010 06:25
Outstanding composition. Very creative. V.
Simon Chandler12-Apr-2010 04:53
Marvelous! What a creative, artistic and wonderful creation! v
Hank Vander Velde12-Apr-2010 02:30
Beautifully composed image Jean.
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)12-Apr-2010 00:47
Mesmerizing dance….V!
Gill Kopy11-Apr-2010 23:08
Wonderful shot - the shapes formed by the flames are so neat and a nice combination of textures V
Jim Coffman11-Apr-2010 23:03
Jean, I really like this one. BV
Pierre11-Apr-2010 22:57
Une belle réalisation, bravo Jean!
marie-jose wolff11-Apr-2010 22:17
magnifique, ces flammes! V