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Roby | all galleries >> Landscapes >> Built up by mankind > Piazza Vasari - Arezzo, Toscana
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13-MAR-2010 Roberto Capaccioli

Piazza Vasari - Arezzo, Toscana

Canon EOS 5D ,EF 24-70 F/2,8 L
1/500s f/2.8 at 42.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Blandine Mangin06-Apr-2010 20:06
une belle composition ! v
Aud Elise Sjøsæther05-Apr-2010 20:13
Really beautiful! Such a charming place! V
Peter Sussex05-Apr-2010 10:15
It involves all the beauty of an Roman main square and you greatly used the DOF. Some ten years ago I had to take my press registration card in of the side streets of this square when I was there with a TV staff to shoot rally, so it reminds me the great time I had there.
Stephanie05-Apr-2010 08:56
What a beautiful square! V
BrigitteKrede05-Apr-2010 08:50
on voit bien l'eau jaillir de la fontaine...bravo...v