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Bartosz Kotulski | all galleries >> Galleries >> Connemara and Connemara National Park > Diamond Hill
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Diamond Hill

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Chris Spracklen03-Aug-2010 20:20
Fantastic image, Bartosz!
The light and dramatic composition make it a real winner! (BV)
Bryan Murahashi03-Jun-2010 05:07
Beautiful light and capture of this lone goat. V
Elena05-Apr-2010 17:47
Gorgeous light and composition! BV
globalgadabout04-Apr-2010 14:18
wonderful view of this rolling landscape with lovely earth tones...the sun gleams like a diamond..V
McGarva04-Apr-2010 11:24
Truly spectacular ... wonderful light and the sheep standing in awe of the sight is perfect ... V
Patricia Kay03-Apr-2010 19:16
Stunning image with magical light.....BV
Guest 03-Apr-2010 14:55
wow, fabulous.
Guest 03-Apr-2010 09:59
beautiful frame.v
marie-jose wolff03-Apr-2010 08:07
wonderful lighting, spectacular view! V
deborahcuming03-Apr-2010 03:29
in awe! the depth, the varying light, the entire view is spectacular. Excellent work! BV
Jim Coffman03-Apr-2010 02:34
Splendid work,Bartosz!
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad03-Apr-2010 02:28
A striking image.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography03-Apr-2010 00:20
Good capture, fine perspective and mood of early spring, Vote.
Marcia Rules03-Apr-2010 00:13
marvelous scale and depth...soulful light and presentation..V
Stephanie03-Apr-2010 00:08
This is really gorgeous! Love the sheep in the forground overlooking the valley. BV
Hank Vander Velde02-Apr-2010 23:10
Fabulous image Bartosz. Great mood. Lovely light rays and threatening clouds.
Jola Dziubinska02-Apr-2010 23:01
Fabulous mood, perfect exposure. Impressive, vote.
marko gregoric02-Apr-2010 22:45
Wo!!! Excellent image. V.
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