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Carol How | all galleries >> Galleries >> Whistler Album > Mountaineer
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Nikon D300
1/800s f/9.0 at 18.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Yiannis Pavlis04-Apr-2010 13:23
It is really very spectacular .V
Giancarlo Guzzardi30-Mar-2010 07:48
simply great horizon, magnificently composed
deborahcuming29-Mar-2010 00:08
what an incredible sight! puts us folks in our place...just beautiful! BV
globalgadabout28-Mar-2010 16:19
awesome and humbling scene...that's a mighty sky...V
Peter Sussex28-Mar-2010 08:31
Fantastic contrast of dimensions with breathtaking sky. BV
lou_rozensteins28-Mar-2010 01:00
So small against the huge landscape. Very nice sky too. Well done.
Marcia Rules28-Mar-2010 00:42
magnificent scale and depiction of nature's raw beauty and unrelenting season..VVV!
settler27-Mar-2010 22:15
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