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sevres babylone | all galleries >> Galleries >> mexico > callolily-72.jpg
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Jude Marion26-Feb-2011 04:53
Beautiful image.
I like the mix of warm tones in the flowers against the blue tones of the background.
Hernan E. Enriquez25-Nov-2010 05:52
In South America "calas" are funeral flowers.
Gerhard Ritsema13-Nov-2010 10:10
Fantastic colorful bouquet!
Guest 12-Nov-2010 06:29
Amazing flowers, the composition is splendid
alfredo camba jr.26-Jun-2009 01:15
Very nice and interesting image! V
Marijka01-Jun-2008 04:36
Guest 27-Aug-2007 16:10
Excellent - great composition, very effective
Marijka26-Jul-2005 16:10
very nicely done--- tones are terrific!!
Guest 18-Jul-2004 10:03
i like the contrast between the background and the object...very good