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marko gregoric | all galleries >> From Slovenia >> Landscape >> Bohinj > Bohinj
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Carl H. Johnson27-May-2014 02:10
Anna & Christian RECK30-Dec-2013 12:25
Like a beautiful postcard! BV. Anna
Alexander Kazakov08-Nov-2013 13:39
Great! V
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)02-Nov-2013 18:46
Excellent! BV
Chris Spracklen29-Dec-2011 19:53
A wonderful photo from this gorgeous place, Marko. *V*
Gonen23-Dec-2011 17:55
Excellent shot. V
veraferia20-Oct-2011 06:54
A postcard! Wonderful!
Dennis Hoyne29-Sep-2011 03:10
What fun! A beautiful shot, Marko.
Tom Merigan23-Sep-2011 16:45
Very nice shot! Tom
chris morton22-Sep-2011 14:55
a brave man
Dek Grant14-Sep-2011 18:53
Superb image, magnificent composition with great colour tones.
Guest 24-Jun-2011 14:18
Beautiful great shot
Ron LaCroix23-Jun-2011 02:19
I'm surprised this person isn't ice skating!
Guest 03-Apr-2011 20:32
Fantastic! In general all galleries are wonderful, but some images are very, very wonderful.
Guest 17-Jan-2011 04:40
Fabienne09-Jan-2011 21:10
C'est une splendide scène, vous l'avez magnifiquement saisi.
Johnny JAG03-Dec-2010 15:41
WOW. that looks very cold.
kinta13-Nov-2010 23:16
Nice shot, and beautiful winter scenary! V!
Garry Vaccaro27-Aug-2010 02:40
beautiful image marko
Andre Fontaine20-Apr-2010 01:45
très belle scène d`hiver! v
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte18-Apr-2010 21:14
Oohhh, what a view;

Daniel Doyen02-Apr-2010 07:32
Very nice contrast in this picture!...grtz, Daniel
pierreratte14-Mar-2010 19:41
Beautiful compo. Marko, ..BV...
Tommy Junger05-Mar-2010 09:49
Excellente capture !
Guest 04-Mar-2010 16:56
Beautiful scene! V
Rosi Blaurock03-Mar-2010 17:58
Wonderful shot.
Guest 03-Mar-2010 14:05
Quite an uncommon scene!
Buba Jafarli26-Feb-2010 21:05
Such a gorgeous image Marco! Love the scenery and atmosphere here! V.
don nieman26-Feb-2010 10:00
Good composition, interetsing subject and great natural winter colors
Yiannis Pavlis25-Feb-2010 17:38
Beautiful scene and picture. Nicely composed .V
edwina beaumont24-Feb-2010 09:46
beautiful, so peaceful
Steve Morris23-Feb-2010 13:39
Fine art photography Marko - love it!BV
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet23-Feb-2010 13:06
A magnificent image.
Lee G22-Feb-2010 16:28
Beautiful , peaceful composition! Nicely captured , Marko..~V~
Milan Vogrin22-Feb-2010 13:33
Really nice winter photo!V!
Ali Majdfar22-Feb-2010 12:40
Outstanding capture! ~V
January Grey22-Feb-2010 06:17
Wonderful POV & composition! A beautiful Winter image! V~
Simon Chandler22-Feb-2010 04:03
Excellent work of art. Like a painting. v
coaster21-Feb-2010 21:26
Beautiful scene; well done.
NealyBob21-Feb-2010 19:19
Very beautiful Winter image! Looks cold~!V
Carol Rollins21-Feb-2010 18:59
Fabulous snowy scene Marko; wonderful composition. ~
Tom Munson21-Feb-2010 16:48
Fantastic setting, Marko! Great work!
Rosemarie Kusserow21-Feb-2010 16:24
I like a lot this composition Marko, spledid picture, I hope this man has a hot-water bottle on his feets, lol, Rosemarie :o) BV
veraferia21-Feb-2010 12:09
Splendid scenery and colors!
Aivar Mikko21-Feb-2010 08:48
Very nice scene and tones. V.
princess21-Feb-2010 06:51
Awesome! Fantastic composition. V.
Valene21-Feb-2010 05:47
Beautiful winter composition, stunning image! V
Jean D21-Feb-2010 03:11
Beautiful winter scene and that water must be cold! Well done, Marko. ~V
Hank Vander Velde21-Feb-2010 01:15
Lovely tranquil winter scene, beautifully captured Marko.
lou_rozensteins20-Feb-2010 22:37
Wonderful scene. Very well done.
Jean Chiasson20-Feb-2010 19:00
Beautiful comp marko vote
Jim Coffman20-Feb-2010 13:58
This is just gorgeous,Marko! BV
Lise De Serres20-Feb-2010 12:48
Beautiful composition!!
Patricia Kay20-Feb-2010 11:20
Pictures perfect Marko...a stunning image...BV
Guest 20-Feb-2010 08:57
Awesome view. V!
Zoltán Balogh20-Feb-2010 07:49
Great capture Marko! V
Gerard Koehl20-Feb-2010 07:30
Wow... magnifique. V
Guest 20-Feb-2010 07:22
Very beautiful work ! Love it. BV
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