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Robert Houde | all galleries >> Galleries >> Harfang des neiges -- Snowy Owl > Harfang des neiges -- _E0K3513 -- Snowy Owl
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Harfang des neiges -- _E0K3513 -- Snowy Owl

© Robert Houde

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jychamberland20-Feb-2010 01:46
superbe image Robert!
Dominic Cantin19-Feb-2010 20:33
Nice shot Robert ;)) Le harfang se confond bien dans son environnement !!

Dom :)
Guest 19-Feb-2010 04:12
Wonderful in flight capture, Robert. The eye is a great focal point. Well done. V
carol j. phipps19-Feb-2010 01:05
Fabulous point of view! Wonderful shot.
Eric Martin19-Feb-2010 01:02
Nice shot Robert!
Hank Vander Velde19-Feb-2010 00:04
Nice flight shot Robert