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LynnH | all galleries >> 2010 - 2019 PBASE CHALLENGES >> FEBRUARY 2010 CHALLENGE ~ ACTION!! > Another Rainy Day
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11-FEB-2010 LynnH

Another Rainy Day

Sugar Land TX

February Action #13

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Carl and Racine Erland17-Feb-2010 10:53
Nice composition and capture of action. The tree action really adds to the stormy look...good day to stay inside! - Racine
borisalex16-Feb-2010 13:36
A really good shot and great feel for action and movement! V.
monica memoli16-Feb-2010 12:31
Very well composed. v
Maaike Huizer16-Feb-2010 08:58
An excellent shot. It shows the mood, the motion. V
Laryl15-Feb-2010 23:48
love the curve of the road and all the slick pavement
wernere0115-Feb-2010 21:48
The title says it all. You made the best out of it. Fine reflection.
Bernard Davis15-Feb-2010 17:35
Great sense of speed and motion here.
Guest 15-Feb-2010 17:01
Amazing , great sense of motion Lynn. Beautiful colors!!
Marielou Dhumez15-Feb-2010 13:57
wow Seems the school bus is going to be slippering because it is too fast on the rainy road !
Guest 15-Feb-2010 13:33
Now you know how we feel!
Rosemarie Kusserow15-Feb-2010 11:18
Great picture Lynn! I love the colors and motion feeling as well, Rosemarie :o) V
Marc Demoulin15-Feb-2010 07:05
I like the motion and feeling in this shot Lynn!! vVv
Mieke WA Minkjan15-Feb-2010 06:41
wow, great moving shot! V
laine15-Feb-2010 05:38
days like that in winter makes home a great place to be...nice movement, Lynn.
Don Mottershead15-Feb-2010 05:35
Awesome composition and the saturated colours really work well in this photo. ~V~
J. Scott Coile15-Feb-2010 01:55
Nice bit of blur.
Bill Reed15-Feb-2010 00:44
Bus looks like it's really moving along in the rain. Great shot
Cindi Smith15-Feb-2010 00:16
Better than having a drought! But, getting all at one time like we have lately is not fun. Hopefully, it will dry up soon. We are saturated as well.
Jackdad14-Feb-2010 23:34
recording the murky conditions very well!
Stephanie14-Feb-2010 23:12
A great shot Lynn ~ looks dark & stormy, but the bus adds a bit of sunshine!